Monday, December 17, 2012

something awful happened this past friday (12/14/12). it was terrible and tragic and horrible, and it made me hug you a little closer, and made me question what kind of world i'm raising you in, and it's made me cry a lot. when you're older, you might hear about it in history class (newtown, CT, sandy hook elementary school), but i'm not telling you about it now. you're too young. you shouldn't have to understand that children can die. and that parents can be left without their babies. that they can have an entire attic full of gifts for a baby that isn't alive to enjoy them anymore. this didn't even affect me. we're in the south, i know NO ONE in connecticut, but i cry about it. a lot. i think about it. a lot. i just hugged you and started to cry b/c you're alive, and you're ok, and i would die without you. it seems completely irrational to cry about a school shooting that doesn't affect me or the ones i love - but i am. i just hate that this happens. i don't understand what kind of world we're in anymore. when i was a kid, i could play outside and was able to run free around my apartment complex. nowadays there's no way in HECK i'd let you run free. god only knows who would try to hurt you. when i was a kid, i could go to school and be safe. the worst that would happen would be maybe i'd fall and skin my leg. but now... now even first graders can be shot to death in their classroom. i mean, how is that possible? what is this world that we're in? what kind of people.....
i do have hope tho.
i know that there are good people in the world.
i'm good, your daddy's good, you're wonderful - there are billions of good people out there. it's just the few misguided, lost, tortured souls that bring pain on the rest of us - it just seems like there's more of them lately. and it makes me worry for you, for me, for any siblings you may/may not have... for the future.
i know that this will pass. i'll be fine in a few days. the people up there, that actually experienced it will never be over it. they may push it to the back of their minds, but they'll never be "over" it. 
i just thank god that i still have you, that you are healthy, that you are safe.